Showing posts with label rambling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rambling. Show all posts

late nite ramblings

19 March, 2015

- I woke up a couple of weeks ago and grabbed a banana for breakfast, however I couldn't finish it because the taste disgusted me. I thought I just had a bad banana, so I tossed them, and bought more. The next day I made peanut butter toast, with sliced banana on it, and again, I could not eat it without wanting to throw up. What the hell? Apparently my taste buds have decided they're no longer a fan? I don't know. It's very disturbing, and I can't stop thinking about it. I can put them in things, like smoothies, or bake with them, but I cannot eat them anymore. This whole thing is upsetting me right now, moving on.

- The first big city I ever visited was San Francisco, and it was then that I decided I was meant to live in a city. This thought has been reaffirmed with every visit to a large city, I enjoy being able to get around by foot or public transportation, while getting lost in a crowd of people, and having access to so many things. The last place that left me aching for city life was London. Sometime in between then and now, something changed. I got the memo when I went to Chicago last week, and found myself wishing for trees and quiet instead of subways and pavement. So many times while I was there I caught myself daydreaming of Big Bend.

- Speaking of Chicago! I had a lot of fun there. Too much to list here, so more on that later. :)

- I'm having shoe issues over here. I bought a new pair of running shoes online to replace a pair of old ones. I bought an updated style of the same ones I had, and when they arrived they were too big. I bought an entirely different pair while in Chicago, and used them there to workout, but when I got home and went for a run I decided I don't like them for running at all. So now I'm back at square one, and I feel like such a jerk, because I have so many damn pairs of shoes that I need therapy.

- Speaking of the gym! I've been doing a new routine for the last 6 weeks, and it has opened my eyes to a whole new fitness world. I'm basically doing a lot of weightlifting, and I'm addicted. I just took some pictures this morning so I could compare them to the ones I took at the beginning of February, and WOW. The most important victory for me is that I feel so, so good. I have tons of energy, and I'm happier than I've been in a very long time. I'm not looking to get ripped or anything, but I'm definitely enjoying feeling strong.

- The weather here has been insanely perfect. I've had my windows/doors open every day this week. We've had some rain, and I'm seeing signs of spring popping up - which makes my heart happy. It's the most wonderful time of the year!

- So that's about it. My week has mostly consisted of errands, and taking care of stuff around the house. Next week I hit the job search right in the face because I'm starting to go a little stir crazy, and I'm running out of things to do. :)

What's going on with you? Any plans for the weekend?